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Supply Gift Book + Bonus

  • 24 Schritte
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Project Description: Learn how to create a Supply Gift Book, a fun interactive book to hold project supplies to create mini-albums, junk journals, cards, scrapbook layouts, or other paper crafting projects. You will learn how to create the book base, cover, paper holder, envelopes, slotted ephemera tuck spots, pouches, pin holder, washi tape holder, and more. You will also learn how to use magnets and other ways to hold flip-outs and pockets closed. Bonus: You will receive the Vintage Eclectic Nature Junk Journal Printable Paper Set-(16.40 value) to use to fill up your book or just use for yourself. The kit can be used for junk journals, mini-albums, scrapbooking and more. What you will Learn and/or Complete: 1. Create a book base that can be decorated with any theme 2. Create the book cover, paper holder, envelopes, slotted ephemera tuck spots, pouches, pin holder, washi tape holder, and more 3. Learn how to use magnets to hold flip-outs and pockets closed 4. Learn how to use vellum, cardstock, and papers to create this wonderful interactive supply book

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30,00 $


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Junk Journal Junkies

Junk Journal Junkies

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